Email Marketing 101: The basic steps to growing your email marketing ROI

It doesn’t matter if you sell car parts on an e-commerce website, sell actual cars at your car dealership, or sell car-buying consulting (yes, that is a real thing), email marketing should be a key arrow in your marketing quiver.  Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing. No matter how many … Read more

Keap: Create Dynamic Marketing Reports

So you bought Keap, or better yet, Keap. You have a sweet landing page for your webinar and you’ve created some sweet marketing automation that sends a few emails and text messages at each stage of your funnel. Your marketing must be crushing it, right?  It’s hard to know unless you have detailed reporting Creating … Read more

Keap: How to Create Detailed Sales Reports

Track sales and sales pipeline KPIs inside of Infusionsoft.

Finding the right key to business success can be a lengthy discussion, but one thing is true: it’s a lot easier when you have money coming in the door. In today’s article, we’re going to cover the KPIs – key performance indicators – around your company’s sales.  While some businesses can grow and operate without … Read more

Start Growing with Graphly

Making savvy business decisions has never been easier. Experience the magic of seeing your Keap data visually.

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