RFM: Recency, Frequency & Monetary Value

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Jarrod Morris

We’re wrapping 2015 up with a bang by releasing what I believe is one of the most powerful reports in our library.


Recency. Frequency. Monetary.

Check out the video below to receive in-depth instruction on why this report is critical to have in place, what type of data and stories it uncovers as well as the actions you should take with the given information.

RFM’ing Your Customer Base

Are you anxious to see your very best customers? Awesome, it only takes 3 minutes. Simply log in to Graphly and hit the “+” icon. If you’d like to first view the set up video, go here: http://docs.graphly.io/article/181-rfm-recency-frequency-monetary


Getting personal here and spit-balling a little while I’m at it. Literally as I’m writing this post, it hit me that I should tag the top 30-40% of our customers, export that list, upload to Facebook and create a look-alike audience. Then start running ads to that look-alike audience so I can bring in more customers who at least from Facebook’s perspective, are just like my very best customers. Looks like I’ve got business growth plans for the weekend, how about you? I think it definitely merits some testing but the bigger point is that with this data in hand, the opportunities really become endless.

Lastly, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU on behalf of our entire team here at Graphly. We love what we do, and we’re fortunate to have amazing customers who inspire and motivate us to keep making the product better every single day. Seriously, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Until next year, happy charting…and Happy New Year!

Team Graphly

P.S. In our next update, we’ll be covering our newest feature, Batch Actions, in greater detail. This feature just made our integration with Keap 10x more seamless and you’ll likely find situations in many other reports where you’re analyzing data and you immediately want to take action on it. Batch Actions are your new best friend.

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