Teams of all sizes create predictable business growth with Graphly.

Connect your data and start visualizing your performance in minutes

All plans include:

14-Day Trial

Keap reports

Unlimited users

Unlimited dashboards

Daily data backups

Customer support

Cancel at any time

How many contacts do you have?




6 Hour Sync

Email Support

Standard Reports

Includes 500 Contacts




3 Hour Sync

Chat Support

Third Party Reports

Includes 1,500 Contacts

Most Popular




1 Hour Sync

Phone Support

Custom Reports

Includes 2,500 Contacts

Business Plus



15 Minute Sync

Priority Support

Custom Reports

Includes 3,500 Contacts

Frequently Asked Questions


When you sign up for a trial, you’ll enjoy 14 days of full-access to every single report and feature contained in Graphly. You can create an unlimited number of dashboards and contact our support team during this time with any questions you may have. If you absolutely love Graphly, do nothing and your paid subscription will begin at the end of the trial period. If Graphly isn’t the right fit, simply hit the “Cancel” button in your account’s billing section before your trial expires and you won’t be billed.

At any point during the 14-day trial or at anytime after you can upgrade or downgrade your plan within your account’s billing section without having to speak to a member of the Graphly team.

There are no hidden setup fees attached to any of our plans. Graphly has been designed to be “easy peasy” even for the most novice users. Start your trial and you can begin dashboarding right away.


Yes, all prices are listed in USD.

No problem. Graphly will automatically notify you within the app when you outgrow your current contact package, and will adjust your plan to include the next contact package. You will see a pro-rated charge for the current billing cycle and your next subscription payment will include the full amount of the new contact package. Keep in mind, list size and sync frequency are the only the only threshold that impacts pricing. All other thresholds such as users, reports, dashboards, and support, are unlimited.

Graphly is a month-to-month service. You can cancel at any time. No contracts. No hassles. Just go to your account’s billing settings and hit the “Cancel” button. You can continue using Graphly for the billing cycle you’ve already paid for. After that, your data in your Graphly account will be deleted and you won’t be billed again. No refunds. No credits.

We love seeing organizations around the world do good things. To support and encourage that effort, we offer a 10% discount on any of our plans, forever. You can see the full details of the discount process here.


Graphly works with all Keap editions: Keap Lite, Keap Pro, Keap Max, and Keap Max Classic. If your edition of Keap doesn’t store order data or opportunity data, obviously those Graphly reports would return goose eggs. Bottom line, if your Keap edition stores data and makes that data available via the API, we most likely have a report for it and if not, we’re happy to build it.

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: We take data security very seriously at Graphly. Amazon is our hosting partner and communication between all app components, including database connections and other HTTP connections, are encrypted. User passwords and all other stored information is encrypted in transit and at rest. You can read all of our official security statements here.

Sync rate is the frequency at which new data is retrieved. Every pricing plan has a unique sync rate. On the low end, we’re syncing with Keap every 6 hours and on the high end, we’re syncing every 15 minutes. Once a sync is completed, your next sync will begin in “X” amount of time – “X” being the sync rate associated with your plan.

Graphly is a specialized reporting platform tailored to serve Keap users. In addition to pulling data from Keap, Graphly pulls data from popular Keap add-ons or plug-ins such as FixYourFunnel (SMS/Voice service) and FuseDesk (Helpdesk service). We’re open to adding other integrations that make sense for the Keap ecosystem.

Our world class support team is available Monday – Thursday from 8AM – 5PM MT, and on Friday’s from 8AM – 2PM MT. Depending on your plan’s support level you can email us, chat us, or call us during business hours. However, you can get answers to 99.9% of your questions 24/7/365 by visiting our Help Center where you’ll find endless articles and videos. Lastly, you can reach out to and collaborate with other Graphly users by joining the Official Graphly User Group.

Still have questions? Feel free to chat us or get a demo.

Start Growing with Graphly

Making savvy business decisions has never been easier. Experience the magic of seeing your Keap data visually.

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