Hot off the press, I’d like to introduce you to our newest report template, which does all of the above and more.

play videoOpportunities Won & Forecasted.
This single template has so many options and criteria available that you can literally build a full-blown dashboard just by using this template over and over again with different configurations. To really understand what I’m referring to, head on over to our support docs and watch this template-specific video.

Now for the tease…
In our daily conversations with users, a common thread we keep hearing over and over again is the need to report on specific contact fields, custom fields, and truthfully, standard and custom fields across other Keap records (opportunity, order, company, referral partner, etc.). Well, we are working on that as we speak. This new functionality will be launched in conjunction with a new and much-improved Criteria Builder.

Have a great weekend and Happy Charting,

Team Graphly

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