New Release Schedule & 4 New Attribution Reports

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Jarrod Morris

One of our Q1 Objectives is to improve our speed of development. We tend to work fast, but we recognize that isn’t always transparent to users outside our office walls. In the past we have tackled large feature sets that take months to develop, which can cause users to feel like nothing is happening in the product.

While we will continue to tackle big challenges in the market this year, and build solutions that may take months to complete, we’re going to do a better job of not forgetting the small things. Graphly is a living, breathing app, that we’re constantly improving and adding on to. It’s important to us that that commitment be more apparent to our users.

A key result of improving our speed of development, is committing to and delivering more consistent releases – twice a month to be exact. We have a long list of reports and features we’d like to create, but we want to include your feedback in our product roadmap. Please stop by and make a request or suggestion.

And on that point, we’re a couple of weeks into January. I guess that means it’s time for a release, right?

January Update [1]: New Attribution Reports

Today we’re releasing 4 new reports to help you get a better sense for what’s working in your marketing and advertising. Here they are:

  • Lead Attribution
  • Tag Attribution
  • Order Attribution
  • Opportunity Attribution

Watch the video below to learn more.

Now it’s play time. Log in to your Graphly Account Now.

Happy Charting!


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