The net revenue report allows you to include/exclude refunded invoices, subtract out shipping, taxes and cost of goods. From there use additional options and criteria to create reports specific to tags, sales reps, locations and much more.
Address Criteria
You can now filter results displayed in reports by the City, State, Postal Code or Country from any of the following 3 address sections in Keap including: Contact Billing, Contact Shipping and Order Shipping. You can search by a single city or state, or multiple. Watch the video above for an example of this. We’re excited about the ability to create location based reports with this criteria. We’ll be rolling the Address Tab out to our other existing report templates soon.
Gross Revenue Report
We went ahead and updated this particular template after building out the Net Revenue report template to also include criteria like tags, products, affiliates and more. Not to mention, we added the ability to click the data and have it display a list of contact records and order records in a scrollable light box. From there you can click the individual contact record or order record to be taken directly to it inside of your Keap account.
Lastly, great progress is being made on the cloning functionality we mentioned last week. So far it’s looking like users will be able to copy an individual widget to a dashboard, or even copy (replicate) an entire dashboard. Hopefully we’ll have something to show you by the end of next week. Until then, happy charting!
Team Graphly