How to Integrate Web Tracker With WordPress Generic

This article will cover integrating Graphly’s Web Tracker with any Wordpress site. (IF YOU ARE USING OPTIMIZEPRESS PLUGIN, FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE HERE).

Setting Up the Web Tracker Integration in WordPress

First, log into your Wordpress site. Then hover over Appearance on the side menu and click on “Editor“.

First, log into your Wordpress site. Then hover over Appearance on the side menu and click on "Editor" to begin the Web Tracker Integration

Now navigate to the theme that contains your Header.php file.

Now navigate to the theme that contains your Header.php file.
Now navigate to the theme that contains your Header.php file.

Scroll down to and click on the “Header.php” file that will appear on the right side of the screen.

Scroll down to and click on the "Header.php" file that will appear on the right side of the screen.

Paste the tracking script before the close of the head tag. The closing head tag will look like this: </head> If you don’t know where the tracking script is, you can click here to read about how to set up Graphly’s Web Tracker.

Paste the tracking script before the close of the head tag. The closing head tag will look like this: </head> If you don't know where the tracking script is, you can click here to read about how to set up Graphly's Web Tracker.

Then click on the “Update File” button at the bottom.

Then click on the "Update File" button at the bottom. Now you've integrated the Web Tracker

Now you’re done!

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Create Your Free Graphly Dashboard

You don’t need to struggle to find the data you need from your Infusionsoft or Keap application.  Create a free visual dashboard using the Graphly Lite plan. Using Graphly Lite, you get 1 user, 2 dashboards, and access to our 10 most widely used report templates. These templates include: 

  • Tags Applied 
  • Tags Applied Goal
  • Leads
  • Gross Revenue
  • Appt | Note | Task Summary
  • Email List Health
  • Refunds
  • Campaign Email Stats
  • Text Widget Area 

If you don’t already have a Graphly account, click here to get a Graphly Lite account so you can start making more informed decisions and grow your business.

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