Setting Up Email Reporting in Infusionsoft’s Campaign Builder

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently Opened metrics are not able to be tracked. This is because of a change that email providers have made that doesn’t allow the pixel placed in the email to trigger the Infusionsoft automation link that applies the Opened tag for Graphly’s email reporting.

Introduction to Graphly’s Email Reporting

If you follow these videos, you’ll end up with actionable data far beyond just opens and clicks. We’ve mapped out more than 10 unique reports to measure the performance of your funnels and make you more of this: $$$

The Problem with Infusionsoft’s Performance View and Email Reporting

First, let’s go through why Graphly’s Email Reporting is so important to Infusionsoft customers. In the performance view of an email campaign, you can change the view from Active to Historical, you can see how many people made it to a certain step in the campaign. However, you can’t see any values for Opens or Clicks.

You can find some of this info inside Infusionsoft’s broadcasting reports, but every time someone goes through a step to send an email a unique email broadcast is made just for that person. Meaning that you’d have to manually aggregate every contact’s statistics to get an idea for how an email is performing.

Let’s make an agreement…no more excel madness and definitely no more running campaigns blindly.

Email Reporting: One Category to Rule Them All

Here are just a few naming conventions to help with your Graphly Email Reporting, in relation to tags and tag categories.

First make sure you create a category that will contain all of the email reporting tags. You can do this by hovering over the infusionsoft symbol and clicking on Settings for CRM. Then click on the tag categories tab and subsequently, the Add Tag Category button. We recommend that you name this category something that will remind you that it’s related to campaign email stats and Graphly.

Our most recommended convention for naming your tags to track your emails looks like this:

  • 01 – Graphly Welcome – Clicked
  • 01 – Graphly Welcome – Opened
  • 01 – Graphly Welcome – Sent
  • 02 – Graphly Tip Dashboards – Clicked
  • 02 – Graphly Tip Dashboards – Opened
  • 02 – Graphly Tip Dashboards – Sent
  • 03 – Graphly Tip Browser Extensions – Clicked
  • 03 – Graphly Tip Browser Extensions – Opened
  • 03 – Graphly Tip Browser Extensions – Sent

Naming tags this way keeps all the emails together and orders them in the order that they are sent in the campaign. Note: The downside is that if you decide to insert an email into the workflow, then you’ll need to adjust all of the tags that come after by adding 1 to the number in front of them.

Whatever you decide to choose; choose a naming convention, train your team and stick to it.

Tracking Sent Emails

First of all we’ll need the tags that will track each email. Go back into CRM settings and click on Tags this time. Click on the green Add Tag button and begin adding tags with the naming convention that you’ve chosen. Make sure to put them in the correct category as well.

Next you’ll want to go into the campaign builder and open your campaign. Before any email in the sequence that you’ve built out, place an Add Tag process to add the “Sent” tag right before your email is sent.

You’ll also want to account for those people who opt out so they don’t get more email “Sent” tags applied to them without actually receiving the email. The best way to do this is by adding a goal outside the sequence that waits for an Opted Out tag to be applied. Then it pulls the contact from the sequence. To set this up you will need to your “Marketing Settings” then to “Template Settings”, and click on “Email Defaults”. Find and click on the actions button for when someone Opts out of an email. Add an action to apply the Opted Out tag that you set the goal to look for back in your sequence.

80% of the time it works all of the time. But seriously, just know that when we’re dealing with Sents and Opens, there is room for error. There’s no way around that. These aren’t sales reports that need to be spot on. They show you the historical performance of a campaign. If you keep that in mind, you’ll be able to see if things are trending for the positive or negative and take action as needed.

Tracking Opened Emails

To begin, navigate once again into the Marketing Settings and then into Automation Links. After you’ve found it, create a new link under the Automation Links section. You’ll want to name it something like “New Email Builder Beta [opens]” and then choose the web address option. The customers won’t actually be seeing this, so we recommend putting “” in as the web address. Now click save for the Actions tab to show up.

Under the Actions tab, select the action to apply a tag and choose the “Opened” tag for the email that you’ll be placing this link on. Click Save and then Save and Close. Now that link will show up in the list of your Automation links. Hover over the [Edit] next to the link we just created and look to the bottom left of your browser. There you should see a small box appear with some text and a number at the end of it. Write down this number as it is the Id for this link.

At this point, go back to the campaign builder and make your way to the email that matches with the link that you just created. Here click on “Blocks” and choose image, dragging it to the top of your email. Then switch the radio button to “Custom Image URL”.

From here you will need to go to your Graphly account, and click on the “+” button to add another widget. Choose any of the Campaign email widgets and go to the Video tab. Here you should see your unique link. Copy it, return to the email builder and paste it into the box under “Custom Image URL”. Then you’ll to replace the four XXXX in the link with that Automation Link Id that you copied down.

Tracking Clicked Links in Emails

In order to start tracking clicked links in emails for your Graphly Email Reporting, we’ll continue in the email we were just in. Click on the text that you want to be turned into a link, then click on the hyperlink symbol. Give it the URL you wish to send the customer to and then click on the tag button and assign it to the “Clicked” tag that goes along with this email.

If you have gotten here, you are probably done setting up one of your emails, otherwise you may be creating your emails another way. If you are using the Legacy email builder or the code builder, continue on to the next videos, otherwise, congratulations! The next step is to redo the entire process for all your emails in the sequence!

Note: It’s also a good idea to add the “Opened” tag for that email along with the “Clicked” tag. As a result, you won’t ever have any time where a client clicked the email, but never opened it (in case the opened tag doesn’t get applied).

Tracking Opened Emails (Drag & Drop Builder)

Follow the text instructions above for this type of email. The only difference is that you need to use the HTML snippet instead of the image block. Inside the HTML snippet you will need to place the sample code shown below. Replace everything inside the quotes next to src, with the link from Graphly and subsequently replace those four XXXX in the link with your Automation Link Id. (It may require a thorough reading of the steps above to understand this section)

SAMPLE CODE: <img src="~Link-####~" width="1" height="1" />

Email Tracking on Clicked Links (Drag & Drop Builder)

You may need to follow the steps for the updated email builder in order to get to this part of the process. Once you have a link created in the email, you will need to open up the link options have your “Sent” and “Open” tags added when the customer clicks on the link.

PRO TIP: Apply the opened tag in addition to the clicked tag, since sometimes images aren’t loaded in an email. If the subscriber is clicking the link, they obviously opened the email. This will ensure we don’t end up with a report showing an email that has a click but zero opens.

SAMPLE CODE: <a href="" class="inf-track-####”>Visit Graphly</a>

Email Tracking on Opened Emails (HTML Builder)

You may need to follow the steps for the updated email builder in order to get to this part of the process (Watch the above video for more details). Once you’re in the code for the email, you’ll want to insert the sample code right after the opening <body> tag. Replace everything inside the quotes next to src, with the link from Graphly and subsequently replace those four XXXX in the link with your Automation Link Id.

SAMPLE CODE: <img src="~Link-####~" width="1" height="1" />

Email Tracking on Clicked Links (HTML Builder)

You may need to follow the steps for the updated email builder to get to this part of the process (Watch the above video for more details for this particular setup type). The first thing you will need to do is add Automation links just like we did for the opens process. This time, however, you should put the actual URL in these links. Also, remember to Save then set an action to add a tag. You’ll want to add both your opened and clicked tags, thereby making sure that if someone clicks on the link; they are also marked as having opened the email. You Again, hover over the [Edit] next to the Automation Link in the list and look to the bottom left of your browser. Copy the number that appears at the end of the text that should appear there, which you will need in the next step.

From there you’ll need to head into the HTML of email that you’re trying to report on. Add a link in the desired location with a class as shown in the sample code below, changing the href to the URL that you’d like the customer to go to. Make sure that in your class replace the four #### with the Id of the appropriate automation link.

PRO TIP: Apply the opened tag in addition to the clicked tag, since sometimes images aren’t loaded in an email. If the subscriber is clicking the link, they obviously opened the email. This will ensure we don’t end up with a report showing an email that has a click but zero opens.

SAMPLE CODE: <a href="" class="inf-track-####”>Visit Graphly</a>

Email Broadcast Conversion Reporting

The Future of Campaign Builder Reporting

Thanks for hanging with us until the end! If you like our email reporting and want more campaign reports, help us out by giving us a five-star review on the Infusionsoft marketplace! This will help us to get better access to their API, and as a result, will allow us to provide you with more campaign reporting.

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