Announcing Counter Widgets

counter widgets abacus

Well hello! Long time no talk, right? These last couple of months we’ve paused our weekly/bi-weekly releases to work on a few big items in our software. I’m so excited that today, the morning of the official start of ICON, we get to share one of the big things we’ve been working on.

7 Infusionsoft Campaign Builder Reports

7 infusionsoft campaign builder reports

Going Back to 2012

In the spring of 2012 Keap had what has been one of its biggest releases to date. That’s when they launched “Campaign Builder”. The tool was a major disrupt from the linear approach to campaign building, propelling Keap leaps and bounds ahead of competing software services in the marketing automation space. It has been exciting to see the Campaign Builder evolve and grow in its capacity to execute highly technical and strategic campaigns with dynamic outcomes based on user/prospect/customer behavior.

It’s about to get even better. As we move into 2016 we can expect to see new functionality added related to responsive emails, responsive web forms, possibly SMS and much, much more. We use the Keap Campaign Builder in our own business and it has been a total game changer. But there’s one painful thing it’s missing: reporting and insights. While you can see how far a contact has reached in the campaign and the current position of contacts, you have no sense for opens, clicks, conversions or revenue attribution. For the most part you’re flying blindly.

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9 New Revenue Reports

9 revenue reports

Yup, you read that right. We released 9 new revenue reports over the past 9 days. If you haven’t noticed each report popping into the template library one-by-one, now’s your chance to discover all of them and how they’ll help you make better financial decisions in your business.

Start Growing with Graphly

Making savvy business decisions has never been easier. Experience the magic of seeing your Keap data visually.

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