Email Marketing 101: The basic steps to growing your email marketing ROI

It doesn’t matter if you sell car parts on an e-commerce website, sell actual cars at your car dealership, or sell car-buying consulting (yes, that is a real thing), email marketing should be a key arrow in your marketing quiver.  Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing. No matter how many … Read more

Email Marketing Benchmarks

email marketing benchmarks

“Say, what’s the average number of opens and clicks I should see on email?” – said every client we ever consulted over the last 10 years. Marketing agencies and consultants reading this post are chuckling to themselves right now because they’ve undoubtedly heard this question from almost every client for whom they’ve ever built an email campaign.

If you’ve asked that question yourself and have had a consultant immediately fire back with a figure, well, that figure was likely inaccurate. Our answer was always, “it depends.” It depends on industry, company size and list age and origin and so much more. There is no standard open rate. There is no standard click-thru rate. There is no standard bounce rate. There is no standard opt-out rate, etc. Or is there?

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