Existing insights include the best days and times to send email to your specific list, revenue associated with indivdual emails, a break down of products sold by email, a clear view of your overall list health and grouped Sends, Opens and Clicks of campaign emails.

But we didn’t stop there. Today’s release includes 5 new email marketing reports:

  1. Email Engagement
  2. Email Reach
  3. Aging Email Addresses
  4. Email Service Provider Breakdown
  5. Email Engagement Rate By Email Service Provider

Let’s take a quick look at each of them.

Email Marketing Reports

Email Engagement

Email Engagement: This email marketing report shows the email addresses that have engaged (opened or clicked an email) with in the last 6 months.

Email Reach
Email Reach This email marketing report shows both the number and the percentage of marketable email addresses that you reached (sent an email to) in the last 6 months. This chart will always grow low to high from left to right. The reason for this is that is anyone you’ve emailed in the last month, you’ve also emailed in the last 2 months. Anyone you’ve emailed in the last 2 months, you’ve technically emailed in the last 3 months. And so on.

Aging Email Addresses
Aging Email Addresses This email marketing report shows the number and the percentage of email addresses that haven’t received an email in the last 6 months. This report is not an inverse of Email Reach. Email addresses are grouped into monthly intervals. This means that it has been 31-60 days since the first interval has received an email. And the second interval last received an email between 61 and 90 days ago. And so on. This report is probably my favorite report of the entire release, as it is the most actionable. Contacts in the 6th interval (6-7 mos) are at the highest risk of becoming unmarketable. These are the people you want to focus on re-engaging before it’s too late. In fact, I’d recommend putting an emphasis on the last 3 intervals.

Email Service Provider Breakdown
Email Service Provider Breakdown This email marketing report shows the distribution of leading email domains in your database. We have already used this report for our own list to identify and delete bogus contacts from a few spam domains that had attacked a web form.

Email Engagement Rate by Email Service Provider
Email Engagement Rate By Email Service Provider This email marketing report shows the rate of engagement of leading email domains in your database.

The best news is, all 5 of these reports can be set up in 3 minutes or less. What are you waiting for? Log in and get started now!

Happy Charting!

P.S. We have a few more email reports in the works but they rely on Keap making one small tweak to their system. If you dig these email reports and want even more goodness, let us know in the comment section below.

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